The Indwelling of the Spirit: Romans 8 with Derek Thomas

The Indwelling of the Spirit: Romans 8 with Derek Thomas

Derek Thomas explains that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit isn’t just a mere influence or encouragement, but a powerful transformation in the life of every believer.

“He wants them to be assured, he wants his readers, who are Christians who are trusting in the gospel, who are trusting in Jesus, he wants them to be assured. That is the pattern, and it ought to be the expectation of the Christian life, we should be assured. And we shouldn’t be walking around in a spirit of non-assurance about whether we’re Christians or not, whether we’re saved or not, whether we’re forgiven or not. And so Paul is saying, “You,” of course, he’s implying here, “You, who are trusting in Jesus, You, who understand the doctrine of justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.”