The Local Church and Longing for Glory

The Local Church and Longing for Glory – Video “You don’t find any Christians after the day of Pentecost who are not connected to the local church and the new Testament in various places emphasizes both our roles in the local church how we fit into the body of Christ.”

What is an “ordinary means of grace” ministry?

What is an “ordinary means of grace” ministry? – Video “It means we’re not technique-based, we’re not method-based. We don’t have to constantly drum up new techniques and programs—no gimmicks. It means we trust God’s way to build and to grow and to reach and to revive and to reform His church, and that’s what … Read more

What Is Reformed Militancy?

What Is Reformed Militancy? – Video “I would argue that Calvin, Knox, and going back through Presbyterian history—back to Europe and the British Isles—Presbyterians have always been fighters. They’ve been sons of a gun. So, you know all the sudden now, they’re supposed to be nice. Where does that come from?”

What Is Union with Christ?

What Is Union with Christ? – Video “John Calvin in Book Three of Institutes of the Christian Religion describes union with Christ, among other things, as a spiritual union. And that union between Christ and the Christian is effected by the secret energy or power—the work of the Holy Spirit. So, in biblical texts like … Read more

Peter’s Failure Was Not Final

Peter’s Failure Was Not Final Video Think of it: “Peter, the Lord you denied is not dead. He’s been raised from the dead and will meet His little band of disciples again. And He wants you, you in particular, Peter, to know it. Your denying Him may have added to His sorrows, but it has … Read more

Soft-Handed Gentleness

Soft-Handed Gentleness Sinclair Ferguson discusses the gentleness of God and the gentleness required of believers. “Here’s something I often think about: there’s a kind of Christian whose only concern is being right and, too frequently, also trying to show that others are wrong. Too many of them have become self-appointed gurus on our social media. … Read more

Is Satan bound? Or is he the ruler of this world?

Is Satan bound? Or is he the ruler of this world? A pastoral response to an important question for believers. “We almost talk sometimes as if there is the Holy God and then there is the evil god, Satan. Satan is not God. He’s a finite creature. He’s limited by his finitude as well as … Read more

Storing Up Scripture in Our Hearts

Storing Up Scripture in Our Hearts An excellent plea for the study and memorization of scripture. The Christian life isn’t lived in a robotic fashion in which we’re constantly trying to think, “Is there a verse of the Bible that will help me in this situation?” That would make for very artificial Christian living. What … Read more