Church is Not a Volunteer Organization

Church is Not a Volunteer Organization A challenging read on how we ought to relate to the local church and our service to it. To situate church membership in our thinking as one welcome facet of our lives or a compelling option among a myriad of others, makes a mockery of the elective love of … Read more

OPC and Bible Translations

OPC and Bible Translations A Q&A from the OPC addressing a question of bible transations. …with the exception of “translations” produced by anti-Christian cults, I have yet to find one which fails to clearly express the basic message of Scripture and to get across the plain meaning of its central texts. In all of them, … Read more

Unpacking “No Creed but the Bible”

Unpacking “No Creed but the Bible” A helpful and insightful article about the place and utility of creeds and confessions in the Christian life. First, we all need to acknowledge that no Christian has no creed but the Bible in a comprehensive and exhaustive sense. To understand why, one need only reflect on the fact … Read more

Soft-Handed Gentleness

Soft-Handed Gentleness Sinclair Ferguson discusses the gentleness of God and the gentleness required of believers. “Here’s something I often think about: there’s a kind of Christian whose only concern is being right and, too frequently, also trying to show that others are wrong. Too many of them have become self-appointed gurus on our social media. … Read more

Who Was William Farel?

Who Was William Farel? A brief overview of an important man in the history of the Church. “Farel started evangelizing the city of Geneva in December 1533 and was instrumental in convincing the whole city to embrace the Reformed faith. He preached the Word tirelessly in the streets, and later, when the priests and monks … Read more

Is Satan bound? Or is he the ruler of this world?

Is Satan bound? Or is he the ruler of this world? A pastoral response to an important question for believers. “We almost talk sometimes as if there is the Holy God and then there is the evil god, Satan. Satan is not God. He’s a finite creature. He’s limited by his finitude as well as … Read more

More Alone than Ever

More Alone than Ever A helpful overview of the problem and solution to loneliness. “the best connections are kingdom connections. Like David and Jonathan, relationships thrive when glorifying and enjoying God is the main purpose. Weaving our chief end into everyday life requires passion and creativity. We need people who value play and production, work … Read more

The Commission of the Church

The Commission of the Church An OPC foreign missionarie’s perspective on the Great Commission. “The next noteworthy matter is that the church’s commission is to “make disciples.” Jesus did not tell us merely to “make converts.” To be a disciple is to be a dedicated follower of the Lord Jesus. It is to be one … Read more

You Should Know Irenaeus

You Should Know Irenaeus A helpful overview of the life of an early Christian theologian. “Irenaeus was born somewhere around AD 130 and grew up in Smyrna in Asia Minor, where the then bishop, Polycarp, became his mentor and passed on his memories of the apostle John and others who had seen the Lord. It … Read more