Male and Female He Created Them

Male and Female He Created Them Podcast I think that’s one of the things Paul meant when he said, you may remember, in 1 Corinthians 11:7, that man is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. Now, he’s not demeaning women here, as though only men were made as … Read more

Evangelism in the Local Church

Evangelism in the Local Church Article But how does the local church exercise her role in evangelism? She does so, quite simply, by being the church that Jesus designed her to be. The Lord gave specific responsibilities to the church: to maintain the apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42). That … Read more

John Calvin’s Institutes: The Creation of All Things

John Calvin’s Institutes: The Creation of All Things Podcast Calvin has already shown how the knowledge of God shines forth in the fashion of the universe and is continuing providential care over it. Here Calvin bids us to just be gratefully thoughtful to remember the conspicuous powers which God shows forth to his creatures and … Read more