Male and Female He Created Them

Male and Female He Created Them


I think that’s one of the things Paul meant when he said, you may remember, in 1 Corinthians 11:7, that man is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. Now, he’s not demeaning women here, as though only men were made as God’s image. No, Genesis teaches us that male and female are made as God’s image. But he’s saying that just as God made Adam to reflect Him as His image and likeness, and therefore to be an expression of His glory—although that is also true of woman—within the special relationship between Adam and Eve, she reflected him, just as, in Adam, God reflected His glory. God showed how marvelous He was by making this man as His image, so, as far as Adam was concerned, Eve was his glory. She was the one who showed his dignity to him.