Revelation 20:1-10 – The Millenium – Ben Warfield

From The Princeton Theological Review, v. 2, 1904, pp. 599-617. With the opening of the twentieth chapter the scene changes (xx. 1-10). Here we are not smitten in the face with the flame and flare of war: it is a spectacle of utter peace rather that is presented to us. The peace is, however, it … Read more

Evening 7-30-2023

Genesis 4 – Cain and Abel Our evening sermon tonight was a recording from our ministerial advisor, Rev. Miller Ansell. Visit to hear more of his excellent sermons.

Evening 7-30-2023

Genesis 4 – Cain and Abel Our evening sermon tonight was a recording from our ministerial advisor, Rev. Miller Ansell. Visit to hear more of his excellent sermons.

What is the Visible Church?

Devotion – Who is a member of the Visible Church? James Bannerman, “The Church of Christ”, page 77 To answer this question, it is only needful to bear in mind the true nature of the visible as contradistinguished from the invisible Church. The visible Church consists of the whole body, not of the elect, but … Read more

Who are Members of the Invisible Church

Devotion – Who is a member of the Invisible Church? James Bannerman, “The Church of Christ”, pages 73-74 To answer this question, it is necessary to make the important distinction in what is necessary to constitute a man a member of the invisible church and what is necessary to constitute a man a member of … Read more