Benefits of Role-Model Biography

Benefits of Role-Model Biography – Article “These people dedicated their natural strengths to God’s service, and God even worked through their weaknesses. Their successes and weaknesses give us hope that God can use the rest of us for His kingdom advancement. Good biography offers us a vision of how God has worked across the centuries. … Read more

The Ordinary Means of Grace

The Ordinary Means of Grace – Article “God does not limit Himself to His wonderful means of grace. Jesus said that the wind of the Spirit “blows where it wishes” (John 3:8). But if we are wondering where we can be sure to find the Lord, the answer is His standard means of grace, made … Read more

The Names Of The Spirit

The Names Of The Spirit – Article “The Spirit’s greatest work of holiness is the sanctification of God’s people. Martin Luther (1483–1546) summarized the Apostles’ Creed when he said, “I believe in God the Father, who created me; I believe in God the Son, who redeemed me; I believe in the Holy Spirit, who makes … Read more

A Mother’s “Call to Worship”

A Mother’s “Call to Worship” – Article “In our church’s weekly corporate worship gatherings, we have what you call “the Call to Worship.” Someone stands up front with the microphone and reads a portion of Scripture, inviting everyone to worship God. In line with the “so-called interruptions” idea, mothers hear “calls to worship” throughout their … Read more

How Is the Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant?

How Is the Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant? – Article “The covenant Lord continues to call us to set apart one day in seven to worship on the new covenant Sabbath. Just as the creational Sabbath served the purpose of holding out the hope of an eternal blessing, the Sabbath continues to be held … Read more

What Is Union with Christ?

What Is Union with Christ? – Video “John Calvin in Book Three of Institutes of the Christian Religion describes union with Christ, among other things, as a spiritual union. And that union between Christ and the Christian is effected by the secret energy or power—the work of the Holy Spirit. So, in biblical texts like … Read more