The Reality of the Resurrection

The Reality of the Resurrection Article Because Jesus rose from the dead, one day we will rise too. Our destiny is not to float about in an ethereal, disembodied state, but to live on a renewed earth (Isa. 65-66; Rev. 21:1) in a resurrected body, as solid and real as Christ’s resurrected body. The apostle … Read more

Peter’s Failure Was Not Final

Peter’s Failure Was Not Final Video Think of it: “Peter, the Lord you denied is not dead. He’s been raised from the dead and will meet His little band of disciples again. And He wants you, you in particular, Peter, to know it. Your denying Him may have added to His sorrows, but it has … Read more

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority A helpful article on the place of the scriptures in the heart of the believer. The facts of our lives then present a desperate quandary. We must be honest. We have resisted. We are foolish. We are guilty of violating the Law of God, and delighting in our own law, … Read more

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority A helpful article on the place of the scriptures in the heart of the believer. The facts of our lives then present a desperate quandary. We must be honest. We have resisted. We are foolish. We are guilty of violating the Law of God, and delighting in our own law, … Read more