How Is the Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant?

How Is the Sabbath a Sign of the Covenant? – Article “The covenant Lord continues to call us to set apart one day in seven to worship on the new covenant Sabbath. Just as the creational Sabbath served the purpose of holding out the hope of an eternal blessing, the Sabbath continues to be held … Read more

An Unnecessary Pastoral Disconnect

An Unnecessary Pastoral Disconnect Article This problem can manifest itself in the pastorate, between “the Preachers” and “the Leaders,” and this unnecessary division harms the church and hinders its mission. A congregation needs leadership to be faithful and fruitful in its Christ-appointed mission, and in Christ’s kingdom that leadership must come through his word preached. … Read more

Evangelism in the Local Church

Evangelism in the Local Church Article But how does the local church exercise her role in evangelism? She does so, quite simply, by being the church that Jesus designed her to be. The Lord gave specific responsibilities to the church: to maintain the apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42). That … Read more

The Reality of the Resurrection

The Reality of the Resurrection Article Because Jesus rose from the dead, one day we will rise too. Our destiny is not to float about in an ethereal, disembodied state, but to live on a renewed earth (Isa. 65-66; Rev. 21:1) in a resurrected body, as solid and real as Christ’s resurrected body. The apostle … Read more

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority A helpful article on the place of the scriptures in the heart of the believer. The facts of our lives then present a desperate quandary. We must be honest. We have resisted. We are foolish. We are guilty of violating the Law of God, and delighting in our own law, … Read more

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority

The Sweetness of Biblical Authority A helpful article on the place of the scriptures in the heart of the believer. The facts of our lives then present a desperate quandary. We must be honest. We have resisted. We are foolish. We are guilty of violating the Law of God, and delighting in our own law, … Read more

How Can We Sing the Lord’s Songs in Babylon?

How Can We Sing the Lord’s Songs in Babylon? A helpful reminder that our generation is not the first to go up against this fallen world and our complete need to trust in God alone. Daniel shows the exiles how to live joyfully and faithfully for God in Babylon. That is the book’s great lesson … Read more

The Dangers of Neglecting the Assembly

The Dangers of Neglecting the Assembly An overview of the incredible importance of church attendance. It takes commitment, resolve, a sense of duty, and self-discipline to worship regularly with God’s people. This is something we should all pray about and ask God for grace to carry out. Thankfully, when we do go to church, we … Read more

Church is Not a Volunteer Organization

Church is Not a Volunteer Organization A challenging read on how we ought to relate to the local church and our service to it. To situate church membership in our thinking as one welcome facet of our lives or a compelling option among a myriad of others, makes a mockery of the elective love of … Read more