3 Principles of Self-Denial for Every Christian

3 Principles of Self-Denial for Every Christian – Article “No matter how the flesh regards itself as perfectly sufficient when it struggles for accolades and wealth through its own hard work, or when it exerts itself through its efforts, or when it is helped by the favor of other people, it is nonetheless certain that … Read more

What Does the Bible Mean by “the Heart”?

What Does the Bible Mean by “the Heart”? – Article “Put simply, the heart in Scripture conveys the totality of our inner self. We are governed from this one point of unity. From it “flow the springs of life” (Prov. 4:23). It is the control center—the source of every thought, the seat of every passion, … Read more

Mapping the Doctrine of Total Depravity

Mapping the Doctrine of Total Depravity – Article “It is not that we are as bad as we possibly could be; rather, total depravity simply describes the fact that there is not one single aspect of our constitution that is unaffected by sin’s derangements.”

Why Preaching Is the Number One Way a Pastor Leads

Why Preaching Is the Number One Way a Pastor Leads – Article “And that’s important because so many times when we think about leading, especially as a pastor, we’re talking about leading individual sheep. How are we nurturing them, caring for them, feeding them? But we also have to remember the command is broad: shepherd … Read more

What Is My Faith?

What Is My Faith? – Article “A testimony of God’s providence in the life of one believer who, when looking back on the remarkable events of his life is able to confess “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain” (1 Cor. 15:10).”

How (and How Not) to Wait

How (and How Not) to Wait – Article “In Psalm 25, David says, “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul . . . none who wait for you shall be put to shame.” In this way, a gap moment has the potential to be transformed into an opportunity to look to the Lord … Read more

Are Israel and the Church Two Distinct Peoples of God?

Are Israel and the Church Two Distinct Peoples of God? – Article “Covenant theology is a blessing because whatever book of Scripture we find ourselves in, every part reminds us of other parts. The entire book is about God’s covenant with his people, always pointing them to Christ (Lk. 24:44–46). Not only does the Old … Read more

What Is a Presbyterian?

What Is a Presbyterian? – Article “We wish to make three points to describe what Presbyterians are supposed to be, what is intended to be behind that “Presbyterian” label: its faith and life; its order (who rules it, and how); and the fruit of its faith, life and rule.”

Especially Preaching: The Ordinary Means of Grace and Christian Spirituality

Especially Preaching: The Ordinary Means of Grace and Christian Spirituality – Article “Again, an ordinary-means focus would not entail a belittling of private and family worship. Indeed, if evangelicals once again oriented their spiritual lives toward Christ’s church and his ordinances, they would no doubt find their families and individual lives strengthened by the diligent … Read more