Organic Christian Living in the Local Church

Organic Christian Living in the Local ChurchArticle

“We love the local church of which we belong because it is God’s sphere of special, redemptive blessings in Christ (Eph. 3:10). Accordingly, we should all want to see believers giving the better part of their lives to the growth, provision and nourishment of the local church. God never intended for programs or community organization to serve as replacements for the organic acts of love and service that are of the essence of the Christian community of believers. The church exists to bring glory to God, to spread and defend the Gospel, to build up and equip the saints unto mutual edification in love, and to perform the good works for which Christ has redeemed a people (Eph. 2:10; 4:11-16). To this end, the Christian life and Christian ministry requires personal commitment, sacrifice and diligence. ”