May 14, 2023

Morning Worship (9:30 AM)May 14, 2023
Welcome and Announcements
Silent Prayer
Call to WorshipPsalm 95:1-3
Hymn of Adoration“O Come before the LORD, Our King”Psalter Hymnal # 95A 
Revelation of God’s WillPsalm 51:1-4
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of PardonPsalm 51:12-17
Hymn of Thanksgiving“The Heavens Above Declare”Psalter Hymnal # 19A 1-4
Scripture Of The Month
First Scripture ReadingPsalm 119:97-176
Worship in Tithes and Offerings
Offertory“Doxology”Psalter Hymnal # 567
Prayer for the Saints
Second Scripture Reading2 Timothy 3:10-17
Sermon“The Believer’s Training”2 Timothy 3:14-17Mr. James Hieter
Prayer for Grace
Hymn of Response“Wonderful Are Your Statutes, LORD”Psalter Hymnal # 119Q 
Doxology“Gloria Patri”Psalter Hymnal # 571
BenedictionNumbers 6:24-26
Please stand if you are able.
Evening Worship (5:00 PM)May 14, 2023
Welcome and Announcements
Silent Prayer
Call to WorshipPsalm 46:8-11
Hymn of Adoration“Great Is the LORD Our God”Psalter Hymnal # 48A 
Creed / ConfessionWCF 13:1-3 “OF Sanctification” pg. 927
First Scripture ReadingPhilippians 1:3-1
Hymn of Thanksgiving“God Stands in the Great Assembly”Psalter Hymnal # 82 
Prayer for the Saints
Second Scripture ReadingColossian 1:8-13
Sermon“Paul’s Prayer for the Colossians”Colossian 1:9-12Mr. Terry Miller
Prayer for Grace
Hymn of Response“O Lord, Thou Hast Ascended”Psalter Hymnal #68B 
Doxology“Doxology”Psalter Hymnal # 567
Please stand if you are able.