Why We Need a Priest

Why We Need a Priest A great piece covering the beauty and necessity of Christ as our Priest. “One of the chief differences between the office of a prophet and a priest is that a prophet stands more intimately related to God as revealing Himself to man and a priest stands more intimately related to … Read more

Who Should Pray?

Who Should Pray? A reminder that God draws people to Himself and accepts, in Jesus, our unworthy prayers. “The gospel calls poor, lame, and blind sinners, those who are full of sin and putrefying spiritual sores, to come to Christ for healing—to Him who delights in showing mercy and love to miserable creatures. Luther once … Read more

Was Jesus a Great Teacher or God Incarnate?

Was Jesus a Great Teacher or God Incarnate? A short, but convincting overview of the scriptural evidence for Jesus’ claims about himself. “C.S. Lewis said, “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I … Read more

Bad News and Very Good News

Bad News and Very Good News The good news and the bad news from the book of Micah. “Micah ends with an extraordinary picture of saving mercy. It is one of the most beautiful images of grace in the Scriptures. In Micah 7:19, the prophet describes the Lord taking the sins of His people and … Read more